PAMREIN's daily Open Notebook (COMMONS Lab)
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Daily report (What did I learn?)
Connect with the new cluster (Rocky Linux 8) ssh pamrein@login8.hpc.binf.unibe.ch
TUI: Textbased User Interfaces (to make the code more interactive)
REPL: Read–eval–print loop https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read%E2%80%93eval%E2%80%93print_loop -> https://replit.com/signup
How to handle input arguments: https://docs.python.org/3/library/getopt.html
Today I finished my fist module, which I like to use for the main.py. But the main.py has still some difficulties, so I started to write a new main2.py, which should be released as next. The goal is to finish tomorrow.
I will also change the strategy, how to collect the samples. It would just take the taxa and amount to sample. If the output file exist, it will check for duplicates, drop them and add the new entries.