PAMREIN's daily Open Notebook (COMMONS Lab)
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Todo --[]
Daily report (What did I learn?)
How to use JupyterLab on the cluster
- start the correct environment and jupyter lab (Maybe you want also activate a specific environment with
poetry shell
srun --partition=pibu_el8 --cpus-per-task=10 --mem=30G --time=10:00:00 --pty /bin/bashun
micromamba activate jup_lab
jupyter lab --no-browser --ip= --port=8879
- start a new ssh connection from your pc
ssh -N -f -L localhost:4000:binfservas22:8879 pamrein@login8.hpc.binf.unibe.ch
- login with a browser (localhost:4000). The first time, you will be asked for a token. This you can find on the terminal (cluster), where the "server" is running. [my current password: jupyterlab]
- close jupyter-lab
lsof -ti:4000 | xargs kill -9 #for the pc-terminal
With Ctrl + C
you can close the jupyter-lab session on the cluster.
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