Welcome to the COMMONS Lab Open Dendron

Welcome the the COMMONS Lab Open Dendron !

In the COMMONS Lab we intent to follow the Open Notebook Science approach to document our research.

For this we use the Dendron system as a mean to efficiently capture notes and publish them.

What is this note

This note is a succinct tutorial note aiming to get you started in the use of the COMMONS Lab Dendron.



What is Dendron ?

Dendron is an open-source, local-first, markdown-based, note-taking tool. Think of it as a cache for everything that you care about - if you've spent more then five minutes solving a problem, you should never spent any more time solving the same exact problem.

Dendron is a knowledge base built by and for developers and integrates natively with IDEs like VS Code and VSCodium.

Where to get more info on Dendron ?

  • You can get more information in the Dendron system at the official website www.dendron.so
  • All the Dendron documentation is hosted here https://wiki.dendron.so/. It is, obviously, a Dendron itself.

Concrete steps to access and contribute to the DBGI Dendron

  1. Install VSCode

  2. Install Dendron from the VSCode marketplace

  3. Clone the COMMONS Dendron repo

    In your terminal

    git clone https://github.com/commons-research/commons-dws-public.git
  4. In VSCode open (File/Open) the cloned repository.

  5. Voila ! You should now be in the COMMONS Lab Open Dendron.

Feel free to explore and contribute. A first, important step could be to configure VSCode so that you can easily add a daily note. See steps described at Setup

Questions, comments, suggestions ?

Feel free to contribute here https://github.com/orgs/commons-research/discussions

  1. Awk
  2. Best Practices
  3. Blogs
  4. Canopus
  5. Cfm
  6. Click
  7. Copier
  8. Courses
  9. Daily
  10. Editor
  11. Expanded Np Chemspace
  12. Expanded_np_chemspace
  13. Freedom
  14. Fundings
  15. Jupyter
  16. Lod
  17. Meetings
  18. Mkdocs
  19. Nginx
  20. Notebook
  21. Ool
  22. Open Notebook
  23. Pathway Analysis
  24. Poetry
  25. Projects
  26. Pubchem
  27. R
  28. RO
  29. Reproducibility
  30. Ressources
  31. Seminars
  32. Shared
  33. Slow
  34. Templates
  35. Tools
  36. Utils
  37. Viewpoint
  38. Website
  39. Welcome
  40. Wikidata
  41. Writing
  42. Xpra