This is Marco's daily open-notebook.
Today is 2023.03.17
- read paper Can phylogeny predict chemical diversity and potential medicinal activity of plants? A case study of amaryllidaceae
- from that paper they say that there is a lack of congruence between specialized chemistry and phylogeny may be caused by several different phenomena. One of them is convergent evolution. we need to take this into account in our model.
- Combining Evolutionary Inference and Metabolomics to Identify Plants With Medicinal Potential
- "Recent research on plant phylogeny coupled with metabolomics, which is the comprehensive analysis of metabolite profiles, has identified that related taxa produce similar secondary metabolites, although correlations are dependent also on environmental factors. "
- interesting article stating that there is a need for creating a model such as what we are doing. We shouldn't forget to include environmental variable. It seems crucial.