
#oneday (Private) automate with a sed script ? the bib cleaning

Some sed black magic

echo "\{" | sed "s|\\\{|\\\'{|"

Double \ to escape the \

And repeat

echo "\{jhdgjshgjhfsjdhgf\}" | sed "s|\\\{|\\\'{|g; s|\\\}|\\\'}|g;"

Now add input and outputs

sed "s|\\\{|\\\'{|g; s|\\\}|\\\'}|g" library.bib > library_formatted.bib

We'll try to automatize the process using fswatch and alternative to inotifywatch on linux

So here is the small bash script. It will take the command line arg 1 and add the _formatted prefix to it. Could be cleaner and directly extract the filename to accomodate for various type of extension. Not the point here. If any body has an idea, please contribute ! :point_down:

sed "s|\\\{|\\\'{|g; s|\\\}|\\\'}|g" "$1" > "${1%.bib}_formatted.bib"

# fullfilename="$(basename $1)"
# extension="${fullfilename##*.}"
# filename="${fullfilename%.*}"

# echo $fullfilename
# echo $extension
# echo $filename

#echo "File added: " "$(basename $1)" "$(basename $1)"
sed "s|\\\{|\\\'{|g; s|\\\}|\\\'}|g" "$1" > "./formatted_bib/${filename}_formatted.bib"

fswatch has been somehow a nightmare to understand ...

to trouble shoot use the follwoing line to be sure of what exactly you take as input

fswatch -0 ./mendeley_output/ | xargs -0 -n1 -I{} echo "{}"

quick replace in text file

sed -i 's/original/new/g' file.txt

sed -i'' 's/CHARGE=1-/CHARGE=-1/g' /Users/pma/01_large_files/mgf/isdb_neg.mgf
