

Recently Marnix Medema twitted about their necessity to furnish MIBIG with further BGC <-> metabolites pairs. https://twitter.com/marnixmedema/status/1431190836289617923

This is an "annotathon"

Maybe LOTUS could help here. https://mibig.secondarymetabolites.org/

§# Log book

2021-08-28 17:00

Let's see is Thiago's app can help here Apps The idea would be to find a list of paper having described both a metabolites and it's associated BGC

Let's try a SPARQL Query as following :

https://w.wiki/3yN7 detailed https://w.wiki/3yNw with single ref https://w.wiki/3yNL limited to specific strains https://w.wiki/3yPf

Posted https://twitter.com/allard_pm/status/1431640111440138245

And updated at 2021-09-07 18:10
