on--- id: 8mpdyp5uvho24ngupmg4wz6 title: '2024-11-18' desc: '' updated: 1731953868706 created: 1731937282182 traitIds:

  • open-notebook-commons-rouchene

This is Rimas's COMMONS Lab daily Open Notebook.

Today is 2024.11.18

Todo today

meeting PMA.

Create a table with the following headers

internal codespecies namewikidataQID of the species

Have a look at the COMMONS research discussion forum

- https://github.com/orgs/commons-research/discussions

Daily work on the Microcosmics project

prepare SCV table for all data collection.

See Microcosmics


this evening clean fungi collection, everything should be strerilized.



PMA mettenig: for the moment we keep the strains after metabolomics we will see.


Todo tomorrow, one day ... or never

Tomorrow: all results sshould be in the same table.

Today I learned that